The Best Robots for the Construction Industry

November 02, 2021


Construction robots are becoming increasingly popular in the industry as they bring numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and safer working conditions. In this article, we'll take a look at the best robots for the construction industry, comparing their features and capabilities to help you make an informed decision.

1. Spot Robot by Boston Dynamics

The Spot robot by Boston Dynamics is a versatile robot designed for a wide range of applications, including construction. The robot is equipped with cameras and sensors that allow it to maneuver through difficult terrain and perform complex tasks with ease. It can carry payloads of up to 14kg and operate for up to 90 minutes on a single charge, making it a formidable ally for construction projects.

2. Hadrian X by Fastbrick Robotics

Hadrian X by Fastbrick Robotics is a bricklaying robot that can lay bricks much faster than human workers, with a 3D modeling software to measure and cut bricks precisely. It can lay up to 1,000 bricks per hour, which is roughly equivalent to the output of two human bricklayers in a day. It can work around the clock, making it an ideal option for large-scale construction projects.

3. Tybot by Advanced Construction Robotics

Designed for use in bridge construction, Tybot from Advanced Construction Robotics is a rebar-tying robot. It works by automatically repositioning itself along the bridge to tie rebar, extending over 40 feet from the center of the bridge span. The robot has been proven to be up to eight times faster than human workers and reduces worker fatigue, making it a pivotal productivity-enhancing tool.

4. Trimble's SiteVision Integrated Positioning System

Trimble's SiteVision is an integrated positioning system that enables construction professionals to visualize 2D and 3D data, improving accuracy and efficiency. It uses a combination of augmented reality and GPS technologies to display construction designs, allowing users to identify discrepancies and avoid costly errors. It is lightweight, portable and is compatible with various devices, making it a versatile and accessible tool in the construction site.


As we can see, construction robots are making significant contributions to the industry by improving efficiency and overall project outcomes. These four robots are some of the best options on the market today, each offering a unique set of features and capabilities. By considering their advantages and limitations, construction professionals can choose the right robot to increase productivity and achieve better project results.


  1. Boston Dynamics - Spot
  2. Fastbrick Robotics - Hadrian X
  3. Advanced Construction Robotics - Tybot
  4. Trimble - SiteVision

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